Make Zines!

If you are new to zines, here are a few places that might help you get started:

Ordering zines

Several indie shops sell zines online. Here are a few we recommend, though you can also find a thorough and mostly up to date list here:

  • Pioneer’s Press — Run by some great people out in Kansas. Order radical zines, books, posters, and more.
  • Quimby’s — Famous underground bookstore in Chicago that carries thousands of titles.
  • Brown Recluse Zine Distro — Seattle distro that specializes in POC zines and radical politics.
  • Atomic Books — Another great underground bookstore specializing in weird stuff.
  • Printed Matter — Book art and edgy zines out of NYC.
  • Antiquated Future — Distro out of Portland, OR.
  • Sweet Candy — Another west coast distro that has been around for over 10 years.
  • Stranger Danger — Chicago distro specializing in queer, trans, and feminist zines.

Connecting with other zinesters

  • We Make Zines — Social media site for zinesters to solicit contributions, trade zines, or otherwise sell their work.
  • POC Zine Project — Important resource that advocates for nonwhite zines and Black Lives Matter through materiality.
  • Broken Pencil — Longtime Canadian magazine that specializes in North American zine culture. Published quarterly.
  • Razorcake — Punk magazine that reviews zines.

Books about making zines

Online resources for making zines