Who we are

Patrick Williams is a poet and academic librarian living in Central New York. His recent work appears in publications including Prelude, Third Point Press, 3:AM Magazine, The Mackinac, and Heavy Feather Review. He is the editor of Really System, a journal of poetry and extensible poetics. You can find him on Twitter @activitystory. He blogs at activitystory.com.

Jason Luther is a doctoral student in composition and rhetoric at Syracuse University studying zines and DIY culture. He is the former director of the SU Writing Center and a long time maker and collector of zines. You can find him on Twitter @jwluther. He also blogs at taxomania.org.

Williams (left) and Luther (right) pitch SIP at the 2013 Salt City DISHES event. Photo by Allison Gates.

Williams (left) and Luther (right) pitch SIP at the 2013 Salt City DISHES event. Photo by Allison Gates.